
Power blackout last night at 1am, lasted for about an hour and a half. another one at 12pm then at 3pm.


  1. The pictures look sexy! it looks like you were having a late night "encounter" with Dracula.

  2. i deffinetly love the pics1
    there's something about candles!
    love u!
    oh and i want you to be the first one to know that i got my friend back!!!!!
    i am soo happy ( we lost each other for a coupla years, but yay! we're friends again!!!!)

  3. Slouchy Pants: thanx love, wish that were true *sigh*

    Lujain: *HUG* and i love you! mama distributed the candles... and mabroook!!! *HUG* i'm so happy for you!!


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