Haiku I

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of 17 moras in three metrical phrases of 5, 7, and 5 moras respectively. Haiku typically contain a kigo and a kireji.

A kigo is a word or phrase that implies the season of the poem, while a kireji, or cutting word, typically appears at the end of one of the verse's three metrical phrases. a kireji lends the verse structural support, effectively allowing it to stand as an independent poem, or it may provide a dignified ending, concluding the verse with a heightened sense of closure.

There's much more to say about haiku, but that was the long story short.


A caterpillar,
this deep in fall
still not a butterfly.
[Matsuo Bashō]


Cover my head,
or my feet?
the winter quilt.
[Yosa no Buson]


Summer night,
even the stars
are whispering to each other.
[Kobayashi Issa]


Cozy and exposed,

smooth n soft soles

no ticklie!

[Takrooni San]


like a whole pencil,
if used too much, i can snap
[Aaliyah Beiruti]

P.S. If you wrote haiku, send me it and i'll include it with my next selection!


  1. interesting...but i think the translation might ruin it....
    u reminded me about something i wrote long time ago :)
    Arigato Soumz :)

  2. I find haiku to be an amazing medium for humor. Something about the syllable layout makes it sound so funny :)


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