A very lady post - part one

A Very Lady Post - Part Two

there is a little thing I'd like to talk to you about which I believe is an important part of every woman's wellbeing: your menstrual period.
Get yourselves a calendar or an app and mark the first day of your period every month, and the last day of bleeding. Apps usually detect the pattern and provide you with important information:
-the length of your cycle:
      the normal cycle ranges from 24 to 35 days, 28 days being the average.
-the number of menstruating days:
       ranges from 3 to 7 days, and blood loss is typically 80ml.
-Probable day of ovulation:
       which is usually the 15th day after the 1st day of menses.
Phases of the menstrual cycle:

-The Menstrual Phase: Begins on day 1 with the onset of bleeding, until the bleeding stops. (usually day 3-7)
-The Proliferative Phase: Begins at the end of the menstrual phase and ends at ovulation (usually day 13-15)
-The Luteal Phase: Starts at ovulation and ends when the entire process starts over again with day 1.
Why do you need to know all of this?
-To figure out if you're pregnant
-After figuring out that you're pregnant, you'll find out how far along you are.
-In cases of abnormal vaginal bleeding: Prolonged bleeding, inter-menestrual bleeding, abnormally short intervals between menses, abnormally long intervals between menses.
What is PMS?
- It stands for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.
-Definition: A cyclic appearance of a number of symptoms which affect lifestyle and work.
-Common Symptoms: Abdominal bloating, weight gain, constipation, anxiety, breast tenderness, depression, cravings for sugar or salt, and irritability.
-There is no unified theory to explain why/how we PMS.
-Treatment: supportive therapy, exercise, and diet modification have been found to help.
List of apps:
-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sleekbit.ovuview&feature= related_apps
-Here's a review article, since I'm an android user: http://www.imore.com/ladies-app-app-review-iperiod-period-tracker-iphone
Next post: Contraceptives!


  1. This is a great idea for a post. Women, even highly educated ones, can be surprisingly uninformed about their reproductive system, and thus easily misled or misundertanding information.

    I hope the contraceptives post will include some information on how babies are made...another topic with some surprising misconceptions (eg including re: genetics contributions to the little one).

  2. Thanks Soumz! Would love it if you wrote this in Arabic. There is a tragic lack of straight-forward medical information on women's health available in Arabic


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